staring into blank spaces

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Purpose of life

I went to interview my secondary school Operating Manager just now for our school bully project. Apart from talking stuffs about my project, we also talk about the purpose of life and the kinda value system. I was inspired by him after the talk. Anyway he never fail to inspire me since secondary school. I always feel very comfortable talking to him maybe because he is a counsellor. :p He is glad that I am doing fine, and we also talked about some of our secondary school friends who are not doing as fine and all. He also told me that he is picking up some other skills like doing fashion, image consultant, etc. I always think that he is a very talented man, he do dance, sing, play guitar, do volunteer work, part time taxi driver, certified image consultant, counsellor apart from being an operating manager. I was really impressed by the things he did etc despite him being 56 years old. He told me about what has guided him to the path that he is taking- his purpose in life.. which is to live, to love and to contribute. To live, meaning eat healthy (which i think is challenging to me), exercise to keep fit. To love everybody, hating a person is tiring, and also it does more harm than good. To contribute to the society in anyway that you can, helping the people in the society. Everyone can play a part to do this. A social worker can empower the people to be more self reliant, increase their self esteem, a banker can brighten a person's day by giving a warm smile and greeting when people step into the bank, a teacher can impart all the knowledge they know to the students, and in turn help the students to improve academically... WHich ever job u think of there is always someting that you can contribute to the person and to look at the larger picture- the society.
WHile I was on my way to meet him this morning, I saw an old lady walking across the road, with a walking stick. Suddenly i pondered about what I would become when I grow old? Would I also have to rely on a walking stick to walk, or become sickly. And I feel a strong urge to make full use of the days when I am healthy to do the things I like and may not be able to do when I grew old like runnning, swimming,play basketball, etc. I hope to live life to the fullest so that I would not have any regrets by the time i grow old.


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