staring into blank spaces

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Haahaa I will try not to save drafts in future as complained by KS. But I can't help it at times as I am just too busy and if I don't save something, I will forget what I wanna blog about. :p
Today is Zhan Wei's Bdae, so let's all wish him HAPPY 22nd BDAE!! Haahaa looking forward for Zhou ling to join the 22nd gang too! :p Yesterdae, we meet up together at sy place for mj session. It was fun even though it was merely a 2hr (or even less) gathering. for pictures please refer to haha
Alrite zl bought me a bag from bangkok. It is so nice! It can fit my A4 file. Yeah I have another nicey bag to bring to school to show off. Thanks to zhou ling. It is really great to see all my jc frens again. I always tell my NUS frens that I hate JC life coz of all the tests and exams but I love the friends there, without them I can't imagine how life would be like. Staying back together to take class photos together are so fun! If there is an award given to our class i think that will be the most narcisstic class! Every time we meet up taking photos is a must!

The most memorable period-- Mak Lao Shi's wedding!!

KS 21st bdae!

And my dearet nuan, hl, clara!

Hope we will meet up soon again!! mIss you gals greatly!!


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